Our Simple Customer Referral Program
It pays to refer MJM Property Restoration, LLC to your family and friends!
By following a few easy steps, you could get up to $500 in your pocket! Read on to find out how!
Our 5 Step Referral Program:
- Step 1: Your husband tells you that your Aunt Sally had a pipe break at her home and her whole finished basement is flooded.
- Step 2: You call Aunt Sally and tell her that you know a company that will respond to flood damage and refer MJM Property Restoration, LLC to her.
- Step 3: You contact MJM and let us know that you referred Aunt Sally to us and give us your contact information.
- Step 4: A MJM representative arrives on site. Aunt Sally signs our work authorization to start the repairs.
- Step 5: You come to our office the following day and pick up a referral check, up to $500.00 for your customer referral. Easy as that!*
Condition: Referral fees will be paid only if the customer has signed our work authorization the day after the work authorization was signed.
*Contact our office for referral fee details.
If you have a customer referral, contact MJM Property Restoration, LLC today! You have nothing to lose, but up to $500 to gain!